Lasse Brøndsted is a trained and authorized Osteopath D.O. M.R.O.DK. and physiotherapist.
Lasse sees the body as a whole and tries to find and treat the cause of the problem. He only uses osteopathy as a treatment method and, for example, acupuncture to relieve symptoms, all depending on the injury.
Trine Dujardin is an authorized Physiotherapist B.Sc and Osteopathy student in her 3rd year.
Trine views the body like one unit. She tries to find the underlying cause of the symptoms and treat them while involveing the client. You can find Trine Tuesday to friday in the clinic.
Frederik Neugebauer Knudsen er autoriseret Fysioterapeut B.Sc og osteopat studerende.
Han benytter sig af sin baggrund som fysioterapeut og bruger de manuelle teknikker han har i sin værktøjskasse, samt med øvelsesvejledning, for at hjælpe klienten med at opnå det bedste resultat.
Han er at finde på klinikken mandag hele dagen og torsdag efter kl 12.00.